Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tigerstar-Lament of an ambitious deputy (LOL and Wut? XD O.o)

Galestripe: So... Angelwing is almost done with her kitting, and she'll be in good shape when she comes back! (Aww Man! I liked being on this show! :( ) So we're broadcasting the weirdest video I have ever seen in my whole entire life!!! *Sigh* Well, enjoy!

Brokenstar has bad blood (Help me! O.o)

Galestripe: *Gulp* So here we have *Gulp* another AMV called *Gulp* Brokenstar *Gulp* has *Gulp* bad *gulp* blood *Hic* excuse me *Hic* Enjoy! *Hic* I need *Hic* water! *Hic*

Tigerclaw's Exile (Didn't we already do this? :0)

Galestripe: I'm pretty sure we already did this mousebrain! (For your information, mousebrain means not very smart. Just to know ;)) Oceanheart: Get in there and broadcast the speed paint! Galestripe: Ahhh, ok. Enjoy!

The Rise Of Scourge Complete History (LOL! XD)

Galestripe: So today we have another AMV that left me laughing so hard! (LOL! Obviously! XD)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Warriors TV Show #10

Galestripe: From the last episode aired live on what Angelwing told me, Scourge hijacked the show and put one of his videos on.  So, we have another Scourge AMV, but I think it's really awesome! Enjoy!

Warriors TV Show #9

Galestripe: Hey guys! We'll have a new guest today, and her name is Leopardspot. Leopardspot: Hello! We'll be putting a Crookedstar's Promise AMV on the air. Both: Enjoy!

Warriors TV Show #8

Galestripe: Hey guys! You may be wondering what happened to Angelwing, so here's the excuse. She retired due to mating with my clan cat, Bearclaw. So I'll be taking over for announcer until she has finished mating. So let's do a Tigerclaw AMV for now!

We're airing again!

Hey guys! This is Tigerspirit. I got an important message from my brother Lionspirit, we're airing live again! The reason why we stopped was because we have been waiting for SSSWarriorCats. But unfortunately, SSSWarriorCats needs to recruit actors for Tigerclaw and Whitestorm, so we have decided to concentrate on Urnam7 and FlightFootWarrior, who do have Warriors Cats AMVs (Animated Music Videos) on YouTube. See Ya! ~ Tigerspirit